Aktuelle Medienmitteilungen Press Releases

NEU 25.06.2024 Press Releases

Sensational find: 1,500-year-old reliquary discovered during excavations

Since the summer of 2016, archaeologists from Innsbruck have been carrying out excavations in a late antique hilltop settlement in the municipality of Irschen in southern Austria. Two years ago, they made a sensational discovery: a Christian reliquary was still hidden in a previously unknown church. It contained a richly decorated ancient reliquary box made of ivory.

NEU 25.04.2023 Press Releases
Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck

Mathematik-Meister aus Tirol

Zwei der besten österreichischen Teams beim internationalen Mathematik-Wettbewerb Náboj kommen aus Tirol: Das Akademisches Gymnasium Innsbruck belegte Platz 1 in Österreich und international Platz 27, die Oberschulen Fallmerayer aus Brixen belegten mit ihrem Seniorteam Platz 3 und mit dem Juniorteam Platz 5 in Österreich. Der Wettbewerb wurde an zahlreichen europäischen Standorten zeitgleich ausgetragen.

NEU 01.03.2023 Press Releases
Tunnelling effect

Quantum Chemistry: Molecules caught tunneling

Breakthrough for modelling tunneling reactions in molecular chemistry
Quantum effects can play an important role in chemical reactions. Physicists led by Roland Wester of the University of Innsbruck, Austria, have now for the first time observed a quantum mechanical tunneling reaction in experiments. The observation can also be described exactly in theory. With the study published in Nature, the scientists provide an important reference for this fundamental effect in chemistry. It is the slowest reaction with charged particles ever observed.
NEU 23.02.2023 Press Releases

Molekularmedizinische Studie: Wie HPV Gebärmutterhalskrebs auslöst

Eine neue Studie von Wissenschaftler*innen der Universität Innsbruck gewährt detaillierte Einblicke in die Entstehung von Gebärmutterhalskrebs als Folge einer HPV-Infektion. Epigenetische Forschung entschlüsselt die molekularen Mechanismen hinter diesem Vorgang, erweitert den Kenntnisstand zu HPV und bestätigt bisherige Annahmen.

NEU 06.02.2023 Press Releases
Fin Whale

Detective work at sea: whale research via environmental DNA

Detailed knowledge about whales in European waters will be provided by the Biodiversa+ project "eWHALE", which started in January and is led by molecular ecologist Bettina Thalinger from the University of Innsbruck. The transnational research project brings together partners from science, industry and the public to establish a far-reaching, non-invasive cetacean and biodiversity monitoring system using water samples.
NEU 18.01.2023 Press Releases

Underlying assumptions of air quality need to be redefined

Ozone levels near the surface in urban environments lower than expected
Long-term measurements in the urban area of Innsbruck, Austria, show that the fraction of ozone near the surface tends to be overestimated in atmospheric models. Consequently, a fundamental assumption for air quality forecasting has to be reinterpreted for urban areas. Measurements by an international team led by atmospheric scientist Thomas Karl of the University of Innsbruck also show that direct nitrogen dioxide emissions are overestimated.